Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

The Card of Ambition and Secrets

The Ace of Spades is a complex card with both spiritual and material aspects. It is the symbol of the secret mysteries, and it is associated with the esoteric schools of knowledge.

People born under the Ace of Spades often have a lifelong conflict between their worldly desires and their deep spiritual heritage. They may be highly materialistic and driven by their work, or they may be highly spiritual and esoteric-minded.

Their Karma Card, the Seven of Hearts, suggests that they may face challenges in their relationships, family, and friendships. They are learning to let others be themselves and to love them unconditionally. These lessons can be painful, but in the end, Ace of Spades people become very loving and considerate of others.

Their mission is to find inner peace through a life of service and dedication to higher principles. As they discharge their karma from previous births, they come to realize this and learn to follow the unwritten law. In many ways, they have put themselves upon the cross. Whenever they deviate from the law or disregard their spiritual nature, they seem to be unjustly punished.

Ace of Spades people who are mostly materially minded often have one problem after another. However, whenever they follow higher principles and listen to their inner voice, they are guided and protected. They find the inner peace they seek through awareness of their wealth of spirit.

The Ace of Spades is a powerful card, and it can be challenging to embody its full potential. However, those who are successful in doing so can achieve great things. They can become leaders and teachers, and they can help others to find their own spiritual path.

Want to know more about yourself?

The Card Report is a fascinating look through your next year through your birth card. This report runs from your birthday to your next birthday, so it is best ordered around your birthday. It can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and guidance, and it can help you to understand your current situation, to make better decisions, and to plan for the future.

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